Push Campaign

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Marketing Cloud Push Campaign

Over the past decade, Maropost has established itself as a leading platform in the marketing industry. However, as technology evolved and user expectations shifted, it became increasingly clear that the user experience of Maropost Marketing Cloud needed enhancement. Feedback from users consistently highlighted the challenges of navigating outdated and cumbersome features, leading to a consensus that improvements were necessary to better serve our users.
My Role

As a UX/UI & Product Designer for the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign project, I played a pivotal role in transforming the user experience of the Maropost platform. Here's how I contributed:

  1. User-Centric Design Approach: I began as a UX designer, focusing on creating user flows, wireframes, and high-fidelity designs that optimised the user journey for the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature. By prioritizing user needs and behaviors, I ensured that the design solutions addressed pain points and facilitated intuitive navigation.

  2. Prototyping and Requirements Checking: I was responsible for developing prototypes and checking requirements to validate design concepts and functionality. This involved creating interactive prototypes to simulate user interactions and conducting thorough reviews to ensure alignment with stakeholder expectations and project goals.

  3. Collaboration and Stakeholder Management: I closely collaborated with cross-functional teams, including engineering, product management, marketing, and customer success, to deliver a seamless user experience. By facilitating meetings and discussions, I ensured that design decisions were informed by diverse perspectives and aligned with business objectives.

  4. Adherence to Design Standards: I followed the Maropost Design System meticulously to ensure consistency and a unified user experience across the platform. By adhering to established design patterns and guidelines, I contributed to a cohesive visual identity and enhanced usability for users interacting with the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature.

  5. Iterative Design Process: Throughout the project, I led an iterative design process, incorporating feedback from stakeholders and users to refine and optimise the user experience. This iterative approach allowed us to continuously improve the design solution and address emerging needs and challenges.

By leveraging my UX/UI design expertise and collaborating effectively with internal teams, I contributed to the successful delivery of the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature, enhancing the overall user experience of the Maropost platform.


To address the challenges identified in the user experience of the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature, we followed a structured process that encompassed empathising with users, defining objectives, ideating solutions, prototyping designs, testing with users, and implementing improvements.

  1. Empathise: I conducted a workshop to identify gaps in the user experience, focusing on site mapping and user flows. Through collaborative discussions and exercises, we gained insights into user pain points and needs.

  2. Define: Workshop findings were analysed to define the scope and objectives of the redesign effort. We clarified user personas, user journey maps, and design requirements to guide subsequent phases.

  3. Ideate: With defined objectives in mind, I brainstormed and explored various design concepts and solutions to address identified user needs and challenges. Ideas for improving the user flow and interface design were generated based on workshop insights.

  4. Prototype: Using the ideas generated during ideation, I developed low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes of the redesigned user flow and UI. Prototypes were iteratively refined based on feedback from stakeholders and aligned with the new design system.

  5. Test: Prototypes underwent usability testing with representative users to evaluate the effectiveness of the redesigned user experience. Feedback on usability, navigation, and overall satisfaction was gathered to iterate and refine the design solution further.

  6. Implement: Based on testing feedback and final refinements, I implemented the redesigned user experience, including updates to the user flow and UI. Close collaboration with development teams ensured seamless integration and alignment with technical requirements.

This structured approach, combining user empathy with iterative design and testing, allowed us to deliver a significantly improved user experience for the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature, aligning with both user needs and business objectives.


In order to redesign the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature, I conducted a comprehensive research initiative aimed at understanding user needs and gathering insights to inform the design process.

  1. Evaluation of Maropost Platform: I began by evaluating the existing Maropost platform with a focus on user flows, analysing how users navigated through different sections. I cross-referenced this evaluation with user data to identify which sections of the platform were highly utilized, providing valuable insights into user behavior and preferences.

  2. Conceptualising Design: Based on my findings, I conceptualised designs aimed at improving the user experience of the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature. These designs were informed by the identified user needs and usage patterns, with a focus on addressing pain points and enhancing usability.

  3. Usability Testing and Interviews: To validate the effectiveness of the new designs, I conducted usability tests with our users and held interviews to gather feedback. These sessions allowed us to identify areas of improvement, understand user preferences, and ensure that the new designs were working as intended.

  4. Continued Research Initiatives: In a continued effort to gather more customer insights and refine our understanding of user needs, I launched several research initiatives that are ongoing. These initiatives aim to keep us informed about evolving user preferences, behaviors, and expectations, ensuring that our designs remain relevant and user-centric.

By conducting thorough research and gathering insights from users, I was able to inform the design process for the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature, resulting in solutions that better meet the needs and expectations of our users.

Affinity Mapping
Low-Fidelity Wireframing
  1. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Following the release of the new UI for the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature, our customers reported higher satisfaction levels. The updated design received positive feedback, with users expressing their delight at the fresh and modern look. Customer happiness increased significantly as a result of the improved user experience.

  2. Increased Push Campaign Score: The implementation of the new UI coincided with an increase in the Push Campaign score, indicating improved performance and effectiveness of the feature. Users found it easier to navigate and utilise the Push Campaign functionality, resulting in better outcomes for their marketing efforts.

  3. Positive Feedback to Customer Success Team: We received direct positive feedback from our customers to the Customer Success team, praising the new UI design. Comments such as "Wow, it's so fresh and modern!" reflected the appreciation for the updated interface and its impact on user experience.

  4. Establishment of New Research Practices: During the course of this project, I established new research practices focused on enhancing the user experience across the Maropost platform. This included conducting more UI revamps based on user feedback and research insights, with a dedicated focus on improving usability and satisfaction for our users.

By delivering a more user-friendly and modern UI for the Marketing Cloud Push Campaign feature, we not only increased customer satisfaction but also laid the foundation for ongoing improvements in user experience across the Maropost platform.
